
Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Our English and Maths work at school.

Today, year 6 have been learning about a new book in literacy called Scribble boy 

This morning, Mr Ross, our teacher, has been introducing us to a book called Scribble
Boy - so far so good, I think that what I’ve read from the texts that we were given to read was that the boy didn't have a family and he was in an orphanage. We used a blue pen and a green pen - we used the blue pen for underlining the nonsense words and we used the green pen to underline the really good words that were used in the text like brooding which means that you're going in a huff.

We were in different classes some of use were in Mission and the other half of us were in Discovery - this also happens in maths.I am in Discovery both lessons when we were learning about Scribble Boy. In maths, we were doing all sorts of stuff and today we had just started our Power Maths books and we did different pages because Mr Ross wanted use to catch up with everyone in the school because they had already started their power maths books. We then caught up with them and then we did English after break time and that's when we carried on with Scribble Boy.

In my opinion, today was really interesting

Our year 6 has begun.

This week has been a jam-packed week for Discovery, not only have we been doing a lot in maths and English but also in many other subjects, like history with Mrs Williams and PE with Mrs Beevers.

However, first let me start with the pupil responsibilities. Every child in Yr6 has been given a special job to do relating to school, for example there is the assembly music monitors the assembly computer monitors and many more. In English, we have been reading and discussing Scribble Boy  - a book about a boy who changes a small gloomy town into a lively colourful canvas - some people don't believe in Scribble boy (except the fan club dedicated to him of course) - will the fans keep the legend alive and is Scribble boy ever going to return.

In interesting Maths, we have discussing negative numbers as well as rounding to 100000, the excellent Mr Ross has taught us a lot so far and it's only our 3rd WEEK.

Meanwhile, while Mr Ross was working his head off - Miss Williams took the opportunity to take us back in time in History,we have been looking at and outdated census dating all the way back to 1881!. Mrs Beevers also took the time to make sure we stay fit and healthy in PE, we have been doing a variety of stuff like ball catching games and even some running. The most exciting thing that happened all week was when Dr Tom and his dog Jed came in to talk about the Gem Powers which are Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond and Emerald. These Gem Powers help us leanr how to learn!

All in all a busy old time in Year 6.