
Friday, 2 March 2018

New Year, New Starters

2018 has come quickly and, for year 6, S.A.T.S could come faster. We have lots of changes to the school since the summer. We have zones in the playground, new starters and a new building.

The new receptions are very lucky as their classrooms are in the new building. Mrs Sweet and Ms Sweeny are the teachers for Sunshine and Sunbeam. For Sunshine and Sunbeam classes, it is like meeting all your friends for a playdate everyday. In the new building, there is a new outdoor play area with a shelter, sand pit and lots of fun play equipment.

The reception classes do forest school with Mr Rose, where they go into the forest (actually the wood) around the school and do fun things. They have a mud kitchen, a shelter and they can play as there are drawers with toys in. Ewan from reception told me that he likes forest school because forest school gives them a chance to go outside and be as active as they want. Flyn said that he likes collecting the leaves of the tree. Lots of reception pupils liked playing outside. Cara and Jessica like their topic, Dinosaurs.