
Friday, 8 February 2019

New Stomp Project with Year 6

Today, year 6 had their first day working with a new subject, music. This will take place every Thursday morning with a different task each week.

This morning, Mrs Flynn, from Park View, introduced us to a group of musicians called Stomp. Stomp made their music only using everyday items. Which involved; pots, pans, car tyre, cushions, road signs and much more. We also came up with a few ideas that we could use if we were Stomp such as; zips, light switches and bin bags.

We were in groups of 6-9 people which we were in for the whole lesson. Mrs Flynn gave each group a simple beat that we had to keep to. When we all did it at once it sounded really cool. Some people were just marching in a beat, and some people were clapping at the speed of lightning! We were also able to do the sounds quiet as a mouse to a loud as a lion! Just by looking at Mrs Flynn’s hands.

In my opinion, today was extremely fun.
By Ruth.

To listen to our first Stomp composition - click here