Dinosaurs were once the superior species and were once the only living thing today but we still admire them, but why? They’re dead but we like them maybe because of how huge they are or about how fascinating they can be, either way we still like them but sadly they had one small flau, their small brains. They may be big but they’re not smart at all. The smartest dinosaur is actually one very small called Troodon! Yeah they were small but were very smart and did good hunting if they were in a pack.
But what about the biggest? Well in fact Argentinosaurus is the biggest one we know of today. It was a massive theropod and theropods are dinosaurs like Brachiosaurus, Apatosaurus and no carnivores are theropods.
But if you want the biggest carnivore than you’re wanting to see is apparently ( I don’t know for sure because i just found out on ) the well known Spinosaurus! Yes, in fact it actually ate fish (which is a type of meat I guess) and it had a long snout and a sail on its back and it was used to saw stuff apart! I’m just kidding but it's actually used to collect heat from the sun while it sits down to make all the heat spread out when it goes swimming in cold water.

Leon, Year 6