
Friday, 24 March 2017

Comic Relief

On the 24th March it is Comic Relief day also known as Red Nose Day.

Some people from Yr 5,Yr 6 and  Yr 3 offered to help raise money for Comic Relief by preforming for the whole school. There was a lot of different acts; singing,dancing,drumming,playing the piano,telling jokes and a lot more!

We also had a non-uniform day to hep raise money.

Red Nose Day, or Comic Relief Day, helps children in the UK and Africa. We saw a video about a boy called Hassan, who had lost his mother to the tragic Ebola virus. Money that was raised by Comic Relief has helped to send Hassan to school where he can be educated and develop his life. He would also get hot meals and proper school uniform - Comic Relief has changed his life.

Make your laugh matter.;